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Parish church partnership

We have a close and fruitful partnership with our parish churches: St Anselm and St Cecilia, Holborn and Corpus Christi, Covent Garden and with our parish priests, Father David and Father Alan.

We regularly attend whole school Masses at church at key points in the Liturgical or school year.  For example, we have a whole school Mass at the start of the school year, on our parish saint's feast day (St Cecila), Holy Week Mass and at the end of the school year.  We also hold our annual Christmas Carol Service in church.  Our children regularly visit the church for services e.g. for Stations of the Cross or to visit relics.  Father David or Father Alan also host class prayer services or class Masses in school.  We hold a Reconciliation Service during advent and Lent.  Father David also supports our worship in school, by leading assemblies for example during the period of Lent and blessing our Advent wreath at the start of Advent.

As well as supporting our school worship, Father David and Father Alan support the religious education of our children.  They regularly support learning about our faith by for example baptising a baby doll for our Reception children when they are learning about the Sacrament of Baptism or being interviewed about Vocation when our oldest children in Year 6 are learning about Mission.